Take positives from negative
Q: I just got my 360 review and I’m devastated. I thought I was doing a great
job because my staff always achieves their results.
I discovered that being task focused makes people feel used and ignored. How
will I recover from this?
A: While the review may be negative, your attitude is positive and open. How
you handle the results is far more important than what you received. Absorb,
understand and act.
Take time to let the results sink in. Pay attention to good feedback, too.
Reflect on the information with curiosity and compassion rather than self
Reduce the risk of appearing defensive. Don’t take any action until you are
Never seek more information or confront respondents. They already risked
giving you an honest assessment. Ask yourself: What are the common themes? How
are my good intentions being negatively perceived? What kind of leader do I want
to be?
?What three behaviours that would create the greatest positive impact and
reveal the leader you are aspiring to be?
? What small simple behavioural shifts would make a big difference?
? What manager, mentor, colleague or leadership coach would support your
development with ongoing feedback and holding you accountable to your
Bring your staff onside by sharing with them how you intend to change. Invite
them to keep you on track by acknowledging you when you are successful and
calling you out when old behaviours creep in. Making changes based on their
feedback demonstrates you are a leader who values your staff enough to listen
and learn from them. That alone will positively alter their perception of
Originally published in The Province, December 4, 2011.
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