Lost Generation

May 17, 2009
Filed under: Inspiration — Tags: , , , , — jonimar @ 9:00 am

This video demonstrates how easily we can believe our perception is ‘The Truth.’   At the same time, it also highlights how there isn’t “One Truth” only different interpretations of something.

There is only ‘our truth.’  And ‘our truth’ is not even that reliable.  It shifts with our perceptions.  That means ‘truth’ can change from one moment to the next depending on the facts at hand.  Even more importantly- by the facts we choose to give credence to as well as the facts we conveniently choose to ignore in the moment.

When I watched this video for the first time, I felt growing sadness and despondency about how this generation views their world and the legacy they are creating.

Then just as quickly my opinion got turned around 180 degrees to embrace a complete different perspective.

I learned how susceptible I am to being persuaded by a compelling point of view.  Once I emotionally connect to it, I can be drawn into believing it to be “the truth”.  It is so important to stay present and conscious that ‘my truth’ is only one perspective of many.  All of which may be valid and right.

This is where coaching is so powerful.  When ‘your truth’ isn’t serving you, your coach can reveal to you what truth you have adopted- perhaps unconsciously.  You can examine the results you have been achieving based on your assumption or ‘truth.’  Then just like in this video, you can consciously choose to alter your beliefs, behaviours and actions to create more effective results.

This is one way we will change the world.


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