Show Belief in your Employees

October 23, 2016

Q: While I received overall positive scores on my annual employee opinion survey, a couple said they wanted more coaching. As the Head of Finance, I don’t want to be the kind of manager that people leave the company because of. How can I be a more effective coach?

A: Employees are most engaged and satisfied working for leaders whose focus is on developing and supporting them to be successful. Here are four coaching concepts you can implement immediately.

Believe in your people: Maintain the mindset that they are totally capable. Really. It’s harder than it sounds. Give them tasks that are a stretch, show them how to achieve the target, then trust they will be successful. Don’t doubt them. Be available for help along the way. Avoid relying on the same dependable team members every time.

Recognize and acknowledge often: Creating a culture that focuses on strengths and successes will generate even more. Build confidence by acknowledging sincerely and publicly, giving developmental feedback respectfully and privately. When individuals mess up they forget they are also competent. In those moments remind them of how valued and capable they are. Reinforce the invisible — attitude, character and qualities.

Move them up and out: I know, you want to keep good people you have groomed. Admired leaders find opportunities for their people to grow beyond their role by recommending them for high visibility initiatives that match their talents and aspirations and by placing them in front of influential decision makers.

Hand over responsibility: Share the vision and how their work is imperative for its success. Set clear expectations, hand over ownership of the deliverables and responsibility for accomplishing it. Then back off. Give them room to figure it out and rescue them — shame free — if needed.

Watch the uptick in engagement and loyalty.

Reprinted from The Province, October 23, 2016.

Best ways to deal with work stress

March 27, 2016

Q: Our company recently acquired another business. Workload and pressure to perform have increased. My team knows it’s temporary, however if we don’t manage our stress I’m afraid we’ll implode.

A: Your awareness of your team’s ability to cope is the first important step to managing this transition. When the brain is overstressed, executive functioning shuts down. People experience foggy thinking, poor decision making and memory loss. They are less patient, more reactive and make knee-jerk actions they often regret later.


1) Articulating emotions calms the brain so people can address it rather than bury it. Name what the team is experiencing in meetings or conversations. Suppressing reactions doesn’t work. They leak out in reactive ways when not acknowledged.

2) Ask the team what support would help with workflow: Getting temporary support, reprioritizing projects or negotiating delivery dates. Do whatever you can to make it happen, so your team feels some sense of control over their situation rather than being a victim to it.

3) Hold an inspiring vision. Keep the team focused on the big picture, the rewards and significance of their work. When people understand the ‘why’ they are more motivated to contribute to the larger purpose.

4) Reframe negative to positive, challenges to opportunities, hard to manageable. Reappraising from half empty to half full whenever possible feeds and maintains momentum.

5) Mindfulness is the most effective de-stressor. Focusing attention on the present helps let go of past regrets and worries about the future — which breed paralysis. Check in regularly with where people are at; ask what is working and what they’re proud of. Encourage frequent breaks, fresh air at lunch, leaving work at the office so people can recover to calm and their brains can reset.

Reprinted from The Province, March 27, 2016.

New position overwhelms manager- Too much feedback can lead to information overload and cause poor decision-making

May 11, 2015

Q: The senior manager I just promoted is highly capable but needs direction. When I start giving her feedback in our weekly one-on-one meetings she shuts down. I use a supportive and empathetic tone when I am being constructive but I feel like I’m walking on eggshells. How can I be more effective?

A: It is possible your manager is overwhelmed adjusting to the new responsibilities and would benefit from less well-intentioned advice in favour of more encouragement and space to find her own footing. Spend time being curious about how she thinks things are going. Ask her to share her views and ideas.

Celebrating successes together will cultivate a trusting collaborative partnership. When you observe the ‘deer in the headlights’ staring back at you, chances are the person is emotionally flooded therefore unable to take in any new information at the moment.

Slow the discussion down. Pay close attention to their body language. Stop the feedback at the first sign they are withdrawing from the discussion.

When a normally high-functioning individual is second guessing or questioning their abilities that’s a cue that they are overstressed.

The brain shuts down and the fight or flight response takes over.

In this reactive state the person loses their capacity to focus, struggles to remember and makes poor decisions.

To help the executive brain centre come back on line pause the discussion, talk about something neutral, offer water, or go for a walk with them so the person can recover and re-engage.

Your readiness likely exceeds your manager’s capacity right now. Pull back. Check in with her regularly using a ratio of three-to-one of acknowledgment to redirection. Support her to engage a peer, coach or mentor as a sounding board and impartial ally.

Patience will pay off in faster integration.

Reprinted from The Province, May 10, 2015.

Be tactful when the boss seeks your feedback

January 25, 2015

Q: My boss asked for my honest assessment about a decision he made which I strongly disagree with. How do I tell the truth without alienating him or should I keep my opinion to myself?

A: While honesty is the best policy, some delivery methods are more effective than others. Rather than react immediately, take time to neutralize your emotions and find some merit in his decision. Telling the boss his idea is ludicrous, then having to retract it afterward is worse than biting your tongue.

Why is he asking for your feedback post-decision? Does he appreciate healthy dialogue, debate and challenge to the status quo? Is he second-guessing himself and values your opinion? Or does he test people to see if they are with him or against him?

What is the potential risk of this decision to the organization and stakeholders?

Be honest with yourself; are you sharing your feedback to improve or alter the situation or to score a win by making him wrong and you right? If the latter, you are sure to lose.

Diplomacy and discretion in delivery are more effective than hitting him between the eyes with brutal honesty.

Meet privately and start by stating what is positive in his decision. Be curious. Ask questions about his decisionmaking before sharing your viewpoint.

Do not launch into a full disclosure.

Be brief with your opinion, framing it simply as another perspective to consider. “Here’s what I see from where I sit …”, “In my view …” Wait. Gauge how it is being received before adding more.

Be prepared with alternate solutions if he wants to change course. However, if he is committed to a direction which you believe to be significantly detrimental, perhaps the most honest expression of your integrity is to graciously exit.

 Reprinted from The Province, January 25, 2015.

Team lead needs support from boss

November 23, 2014

Q I am the newest member of a national sales team. My remote boss has told me how he expects us to conduct business in a completely different manner from how the rest of the team operates.

I am having a hard time implementing the leader’s directives. The team is sabotaging me by not following through on their commitments, dismissing my input and disregarding my initiatives. How do I get them on board?

A You have your leader’s trust and confidence but not your team’s yet. Even when you bring external expertise and experience to the table, you are a virtual unknown whom the team will test.

Being a change agent is a challenging role at the best of times. People want to maintain the status quo until they understand the benefit to them of the culture change. Employees resent hidden agendas. They want to be informed of any change management efforts before the fact, not afterward.

To add to the complexity, you are new and it takes time to establish enough credibility for others to follow you.

Your boss may be the obstacle to your success. If your leader is privately giving you different directions than how the team has been functioning, this lack of transparency can cause the members to resist your suggestions and viewpoints. To them, you appear like a self-appointed authority, which is likely being viewed as self aggrandizing.

Unless your boss formally announces you as the team lead and provides role clarity, you will not have the positional power to make changes he wants nor will you have the influence to hold members accountable for his desired results.

If he is unwilling to give you the responsibility and the role, it remains his job to manage this team, not yours.

Reprinted from The Province, November 23, 2014

Give employees time to follow your ideas

October 15, 2014

Q: I have a new leadership team of very smart but silent managers. I want dialogue and debate but all I get is blank stares.  So to keep the meetings moving efficiently I end up supplying all the answers. How do I get them to speak up?

A: Sounds like the rate at which you process data is quite different than your team.  Your members may need more time than you are allowing- to take in and absorb the information – to feel confident with their responses.

You already know your message.  Members don’t.  They need ramp up time to get on the same page with you. Before launching into your topic provide a high level overview outlining what you want them to listen for, and explain how the information is relevant to them.  Better still send a summary ahead of time so they feel equipped to share intelligently in the meeting.

Are you overwhelming the listener with dense details, extraneous rambling, or a bombardment of rapid fire ideas- all of which are challenging to sort through?  It is hard to contribute when they are confused.  Keep your message succinct and on point.

Structure the conversation in a logical manner, slow your pace so they can digest your message and connect the dots as you speak.  Pause frequently inviting comments, opinions and ideas into the white space by asking short open ended questions. Remain genuinely open, curious and appreciative of their responses. Then exercise patience rather than pressure as they formulate their answers.

Recognize you are the highest ranking in the room. Sharing your viewpoint too soon or too often can kill discussion. Team members commonly feel the stakes are too high to risk challenging or debating after hearing where the leader stands.

Reprinted from The Province, September 28, 2014. 

Make new employees feel welcome, part of the team

August 10, 2014

Q : We’re in the midst of a huge project and I am hiring some new team members. What’s the quickest way to get them up to speed?

A Research shows that the success of new hires is set as early as the first two weeks. The degree to which you can make them feel welcomed and prepared for their new jobs, the faster they will be able to successfully contribute to the organization. Proper onboarding is different from an administrative orientation – which outlines rules, policies, pay and benefits. Onboarding acclimatizes new hires in four key areas:

Socialization with team members and other employees to learn the attitudes, knowledge, skills, and behaviours required to succeed within an organization. Create immediate inclusion and investment by arranging a social event with members and a oneon- one with the team leader on the first day.

Assimilation to the company’s culture – such as history, vision, mission and values, work style, customs and power structure – helps the employee function effectively. Assigning a peer mentor aids navigating the organization.

Understanding business strategies jargon and acronyms, market position and competition, systems and processes, recent accomplishments and challenges provides clarity and rationale.

Role and responsibilities and how they contribute to the company’s mission. Explicit expectations for performance and productivity prioritizes and focuses. Outlining career paths and development opportunities inspires hope and investment.

Almost one third of new hires last less than one year, costing 50-150 per cent of their annual salary in lost productivity and replacement costs.

Onboarding takes place over 30 to 120 days and on the first anniversary. On Day 1, implement only the basics, provide necessary work equipment, security badge and take them to lunch to connect on a personal level. Following a formal structured onboarding process creates assimilation, accelerates productivity and increases retention.

Originally published in The Province, August 10, 2014. 

Keep your global team well engaged

August 4, 2013

Q: My new executive role means I’m managing a global team. How do I keep them engaged, on track and working together without having to travel every week?

A: To avoid excessive travel and working 24/7, a team charter is essential for a geographically disperse team. Create a compelling vision and motivating purpose that each member aligns with.

Clearly defined roles and responsibilities, agreement on the team’s goals, and how it will operate as a unit helps members stay on track when you are unavailable.

With a range of cultural, language and time differences, regular communication is vital to keep everyone on the same page and moving forward together.

Clear, concise, direct communication will help minimize misunderstandings. Reiterate key objectives often by email.

Technology can be highly effectively when face to face isn’t possible.

Maintain frequent visual one-on-ones with everyone, allotting time to connect with them personally. Regular group meetings which include some informal team bonding time build regarding readership understanding, camaraderie and unity.

An intranet site where members can share best practices, photos, wins and personal updates keeps them in community between meetings.

Demonstrate fairness, equality and consistency so each individual feels valued as an integral member who brings a unique and vital contribution.

If some have regular access to you in person, pay special attention to those who are more isolated. Those who are more isolated may need more recognition to prevent the perception of others getting preferential treatment while they feel under-appreciated, invisible or unmotivated.

Watch for signs of flagging engagement such as resistance to implementing new ideas, reduced output, short or curt emails, or a reluctance to communicate from your team members.

Make sure every member feels you are accessible any time if needed.

The benefits of a well-managed global team are motivated individuals who thrive on independence, require little supervision resulting in time efficiencies and cost savings.

Originally published in The Province, August 4, 2013.

Confidence needed to be team leader

February 18, 2013

Q: I’ve been hired to lead a team of directors on a project. I have the specific skills for this role, but I’m younger than everyone. They aren’t taking my direction and I need help overcoming my intimidation of them.

A: It is often easier to believe more in your team’s capabilities than in your own. Remind yourself that you earned the seat at the helm. Trust you know what you’re doing.

Your executive presence is a key indicator of how your team responds to you. Authority matters more than age.

Owning your expertise with confidence will instill their trust in you. Your job is to set strategic direction and motivate the team to own the project and its success. Share a strong vision for success assuring the team you know where you are heading.

Lead expedient meetings that are focused and practical. Welcome ideas and suggestions that further the outcomes, but don’t be taken off track. Your experience will be apparent as you inform the team of potential risks and possible benefits of their contributions. Set clear expectations for deliverables with due dates for each member monitoring progress at subsequent meetings.

Be willing to say no when you know it is not the right course of action. Your team may not like it, but they will respect you. Speak with conviction and surety, being mindful to avoid appearing arrogant or controlling. Avoid voting to achieve consensus. It can lead to division or a perception that you are more inclined to please than to take a stand for what is right. Indecision signals self-doubt and undermines your authority. Focusing on your purpose rather than on other’s opinions will help you.

If insecurity still plagues you, seek a mentor or coach to become the leader the organization knows you to be.

Originally published in The Province, Feb. 17, 2013.

Clear communication key to managing offshore staff

October 14, 2012

Q: I have just been given an offshore team on three continents and I am worried about how I am going to manage and motivate remotely without micromanaging or working 36/8.

A: Leading virtual teams with geographic and cultural differences, multiple time zones, and lack of face time is complex.

Start strong by hosting a regional meeting in their location. Create ‘social glue’ by having every member create a one-slider with their photo, role, expertise, hobbies and interests so members can connect faces to voices and emails.

Communicate regularly using a variety of methods – email, web meetings, video and teleconferencing.

Be succinct and state the obvious so your point is not missed. Package information in multiple formats using bullet points, visual aids, charts and diagrams to ensure accurate knowledge transfer. Clearly document your expectations, required milestones and objectives, providing templates and checklists for deliverables. Upload all content to a user friendly web system for easy reference 36/8.

A survey showed that attrition can reach 50 per cent when offshore members are expected to work odd hours. Be patient with time lags, respect local customs and holidays. Accept that emails will take 12 hours to be addressed.

Appoint a local team lead to manage deliverables, resolve issues and liaise with you. This lead also needs time at your site to have a complete understanding of how the offshore roles fit into the overall business. They are instrumental for motivating the team by keeping members connected to your vision.

Collaborate rather than command. Involve them in brainstorming, solicit their input and consult with them before making decisions.

Bring them together onshore to experience your working environment firsthand.

Recognize their efforts often so they feel seen rather than isolated and forgotten. The team’s output will be directly related to how you interact and manage them.

Originally published in The Province, Oct. 14, 2012.

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